The Art Around Us

Welcome! I’m Bea. I write about the beautiful things in life and what speaks to my soul :)

  • My Travel Dreams: Sri Lanka

    Travelling is one of the things which makes me feel most alive. And so does dreaming of future destinations! One which I am really looking forward to is Sri Lanka, a tear-shaped island to the south of India also known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. Lately I have found myself daydreaming about traveling…

  • My Art Favorites: Blue

    The use of colors in paintings is a striking characteristic that can categorize art across time and movements. Marc Chagall, inspired by his home country, used blue tones with a magical quality, especially in his stained glass work. Maximillien Luce, influenced by impressionists, used blue with lilac and black tones in his pointillist technique.

  • Healing From Loss

    So far, in my 26 years of life I have gone through two major losses, although very different. Two people who I loved very dearly slipped away from my fingers despite me desperately trying to avoid it. The first case was the death of one of my parents due to a terminal illness when I…